Melania Eliza Lumezanu, M.ADS

  • A Graduate Program in Spiritual Psychotherapy at Transformational Art College, Canada (2017 to 2019)
  • A Master in Applied Disability Studies (M.ADS) and Applied Behaviour Analysis at Broke University, Canada (2011 to 2014)
  • An Advanced Diploma in Behavioural Science Technology at George Brown Collage, Canada (2008 to 2009). Regularly Offered as a 3 year Program
  • LINC Home Study Canada Program, Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada, (2006 to 2007)
  • An Honour B.A in Clinical Psychology at West University of Timisoara, Romania (2000 to 2004)
  • An Honour B.A. in Orthodox Theology and Social Work at University of Craiova, Romania (1998 to 2002)

My Therapeutic and Healing Approach

Living Life with Intention
Perseverance in Transformation
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